Dressing for Your Presentations

There's no need to dress formally for your presentations. The regular clothes you wear to class are fine. Just use common sense, and avoid anything that your be distracting or somehow undercut your credibility. 

Here are 5 things not to wear: 

Your Pajama Pants
Rigo Recalls Children's Lounge Pants and Boxers

Your tutu
tutu tuesday

Your Unusual Hat
Cow Head

Your Bacon Costume or Hulu Skirt
Imagination + Bacon

Anything Lady Gaga Would Wear
Lady Gaga

Oral Presentation & Recommendation Report Evaluation

I have added a document to the fourth assignment: Oral Presentation & Recommendation Report Evaluation. This document explains all the things that will go into your grade for the group project as well as the assignment for a self and group assessment writing that you need to complete by the end of the last day of classes. 

Because this final assignment has many parameters and everyone's grade can be different, I didn't break the grade  out into percentages. As an example, let's say the recommendation report is a B, but one member of your group was absent for half the classes and only contributed the title page. That student's grade would be different from a student who was in class every day and wrote 1/3 of the report. 

Please review the document before the next class session (Wed, 12/4) and be prepared to ask any questions. Group work time is limited so I will not read the document in class. I'll just answer questions.

Logistics for the Assessment Writing
Feel free to get started on the self and group assessment writing as you have time, but you will not submit the information via Tests & Quizzes in Scholar until the last day of class (so that you will have had time to see all of the oral presentations). Just work in a word processor and copy your answers over into Scholar on that last day of class.

All In-Class Writing Graded

All in-class writing has been graded at this point, and the grades should show in the Gradebook. Take a minute to check the information. In particular, make sure that you have credit for Rough Drafts that you posted in the Forums. There is no easy way to ensure that I caught every draft. 

Please check the grades and email me by Tuesday, December 3 if you notice any questions.

Final Exam Logistics

The final exam for this course will work as extra credit. I'll share more details on how it will count during the last week of class. For now, you need to know the following details:

  • The exam is an optional, extra credit assignment.
  • The exam is a take-home, online assignment due by the end of your exam period.
  • The exam will take you 15 to 30 minutes to complete.
  • The exam will open the last day of classes.

Here are the exam deadlines for both classes:

Final Exams:
CRN #97848 (11:15 MWF section): Due by 12:05 PM on Monday, December 16, 2013
CRN # 93093 (2:30 MW section): Due by 6:25 PM on Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Elements of a Typical Report

Table 13.1 from Markel, p. 320

At a minimum, your group's report should include the items in boldface.

Section of the report Purposes of the section Typical elements in the section
Front matter
  • to orient the reader to the subject
  • to provide summaries for technical and managerial readers
  • to help readers navigate the report
  • to help readers decide whether to read the document 
  • letter of transmittal (p. 323)
  • cover (p. 323)
  • title page (p. 323)
  • abstract (p. 323)
  • table of contents (p. 324)
  • list of illustrations (p. 325)
  • executive summary (p. 326) 
  • to provide the most comprehensive account of the project, from the problem or opportunity that motivated it, to the methods and the most important findings
  • introduction (p. 320)
  • methods (p. 321)
  • results (p. 321)
  • conclusions (p. 322)
  • recommendations (p. 322)
Back matter
  • to present supplementary information, such as more-detailed explanations than are provided in the body
  • to enable readers to consult the secondary sources the writers used
  • glossary (p. 328)
  • list of symbols (p. 328)
  • references (p. 330)
  • appendixes (p. 330)