10/04 Class Plans

Good morning! Today, you're sharing your rough drafts in class. Here's what you'll do:

  1. Go to the Forums and under the Pop Culture Dictionary post, choose the Rough Draft Post for your class period.
  2. Click the "Start New Conversation" button at the top. 
  3. Use your name and your glossary topic as the subject. For instance, my subject might be "Traci Gardner, NCIS Glossary."
  4. Add your rough draft as an attachment.
  5. Add any special notes or questions that you want the person who reads your draft to consider.
  6. Post your message.

After the drafts are posted, find a buddy to exchange with. Read through your partner's rough draft and add a reply to your partner's draft with your feedback. Respond with the questions that are included in the Pop Culture Dictionary Post.

Your peer review feedback in the forums will count for your in-class writing for today.

Now the bad news, I regret to admit that I still have about 10 papers to grade. I'll have them all posted later this afternoon, along with some notes about grading abbreviations I used. Watch you email later this afternoon for the indication that I'm (finally) finished.

2013-09-20 Class Plans

Today in class, we will focus on submitting the first assignment, your literacy narratives. If you are ready to turn in your work, follow these instructions:

  1. Work on your draft letter in a word processor (see the details in Tests & Quizzes for today, 2013-09-20). Your job is to write me a letter that tells me anything you want me to know before I read and grade your literacy narrative.
  2. Copy your draft letter into the In-Class Writing for today and submit it.
  3. If you have extra time before the session is over, use your time wisely. Make sure you spellchecked your paper. Check the rubric for the assignment to make sure you have everything you need in your paper.
  4. Save your literacy narrative document as a PDF, using the naming convention LastName-FirstName-Asgt1.pdf. Check the PDF file to make sure the layout is correct and any links work.
  5. Go to the Assignment Tab in the left sidebar in Scholar. Scroll to the bottom of the assignment and add your PDF document as an Attachment.
  6. Mark the Honor Pledge.
  7. Submit your work.

If you are planning to turn in your literacy narrative later (during the grace period), you have two options:

Option 1: Go ahead and work on your draft letter now.

Option 2: Work on your literacy narrative in class and complete your draft letter later.

No matter which option you choose, when you are ready to submit your literacy narrative, be sure that you also submit your draft letter in the Tests & Quizzes section of Scholar.

Homework for Wednesday, 8/28

Complete the Social Networking Experience Survey before class meets on Wednesday, 8/28. Log into the Scholar site for our course and find the survey under the Tests & Quizzes tab in the left menu on the Scholar site. Your answers will help me decide what tools to use in this course.

Bring your computer to class on Wednesday and be prepared to log into Scholar and write at the beginning of the class session.

Welcome to English 1105

phd051013sThis course will focus on college-level composition, which includes the written word as well as visual and multimodal forms of communicating. We will spend time writing and talking about writing during every class period, so come to class with a well-charged laptop.

Most sessions will begin with writing. Next we will discuss what we have written and complete activities related to the major assignments in the course. The class will be highly collaborative, so you need to be ready to work with other class members as a team.

Course readings, activities, and all writing assignments will be published on the course’s Scholar site. I will provide feedback and send grades through Scholar as well. I endeavor to run a paper-free course, so there will be few, if any, handouts after the first day of course. You can always find the course materials online. If you like paper, feel free to print them out, but making printouts is not a requirement.

Generally, the information on this site is repeated on the course’s Scholar site. This website simply provides a backup of the information in a location that does not require a login. If you have a question about an assignment or policy, the syllabus and other materials here and on the Scholar site will almost always have the answer for you.